July 31, 2024

Dr. Gay Hendricks has been a leader in the fields of relationship transformation and body-mind transformation for more than 45 years. He earned his Ph.D. from Stanford and served as Professor of Counseling Psychology at the University of Colorado for 21 years. Gay has written more than 40 books, two of my favorites include The Big Leap and Five Wishes.

He has appeared on more than 500 radio and TV shows including Oprah, CNN, CNBC and others. I’ve been fortunate enough to have the opportunity to work with Gay and his wisdom is unmatched. Most voices of authority in this realm stick with the academic theory but Gay has a beautiful way of blending and weaving through his life experiences into his teachings as well.

In this episode from the Why Not Now? archives, Gay talks about how an argument with a partner led to his Why Not Now? moment which allowed him to identify a pattern and it changed his life. He shares the four steps that allow you to solve any problem, as well as the danger of unexpressed creative potential. You’ll also get to hear the 3 sacred things Gay decided he wanted in a relationship.

Learn more about Gay: www.hendricks.com/
Follow Gay: www.instagram.com/hendricks.gay/

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