November 22, 2019

Charlotte Jones-Anderson is the Executive Vice President & Chief Brand Officer for the Dallas Cowboys, one of the biggest, most recognizable & lucrative brands in the world. Charlotte is also the chairperson of the NFL Foundation & known as the most powerful female in the NFL.

Charlotte is in charge of the Cowboys brand. That star we all know so well. In this episode, Charlotte shares the most unique answer I’ve heard about branding & what it means to be a brand. Her answer should be in every textbook. The way she describes a brand is why I believe the Dallas Cowboys have done so well, because of Charlotte’s unique perspective.

She is also the creator of the Salvation Army’s Red Kettle Kickoff Campaign, which is aired during the Cowboys Thanksgiving Day halftime show. The way that she got this done and sold it to the network is incredible. Charlotte shares this story. It’s inspiring to see how, as a result, she has had a huge impact on a lot of lives.

Follow Charlotte on Instagram and learn more about the Red Kettle Kickoff Campaign here.

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