tips & Tricks

For Productivity with 

The one thing that's made the most difference to my business is, and I'm proud to have them as a partner. This page is dedicated to sharing my best productivity tips and tricks with you, as well as help you decide if is right for you.


for productivity 




Top 3 Tips

Your 'To-Do list' and your 'To Do TODAY' list are different. Determine your top 3 tasks for the next day, the night before. 

Your email inbox is not your to-do list. Stay on offense and focus on your most important tasks first.

Time box your tasks. Literally set a timer to help you focus. Turn off notifications to avoid getting distracted.

Episode 191

Why not now?

Episode 214

Organizational guru Jeff Sutherland & Amy Jo discuss the specifics about Scrum, from how it was developed to what you need to do in order to adopt these proven methods regardless of your situation, whether you’re working on a team, as an individual, or even with your family.

Listen to the podcast

Why not now?

Episode 157

Listen to the podcast

Amy Jo shares her tips and tricks on simplifying your inbox and discusses how to set up a respectful autoresponder to help create more space and less stress in your work and life.

Why not now?

Episode 214

Organizational guru Jeff Sutherland & Amy Jo discuss the specifics about Scrum, from how it was developed to what you need to do in order to adopt these proven methods regardless of your situation, whether you’re working on a team, as an individual, or even with your family.

Listen to the podcast

Why not now?

Amy Jo and her husband share their tips & tricks for dealing with overwhelm in & out of quarantine. They discuss the importance of staying organized & how to create a work-life balance when work happens to be at home.

Listen to the podcast

Listen to the podcast

Amy Jo and her husband share their tips & tricks for dealing with overwhelm in & out of quarantine. They discuss the importance of staying organized & how to create a work-life balance when work happens to be at home.

Episode 191

Featured Post

The social media content calendar:
A top tool in Amy Jo Martin’s toolbox

Whether you work in a small team, department, or a large agency, every social media manager needs a content calendar. For the sake of order, efficiency and most importantly, your sanity, you need this tool in your toolbox.

WHY WE love




Top 3 Reasons

Everything and everyone is in one place. Myself and my team are hyper organized. 

Integration with Google Drive. We can edit Sheets and Docs RIGHT in the platform. Adios to those 97 open tabs.

We build and edit our social media calendar within Bonus: It integrates with Google Calendar!

Try for free now.