Kate Fagan is an ESPN sports reporter and author. She recently wrote the book titled,
What made Maddy Run. After I read it I asked her to come on the show. The book is about Madison Holleran, who was a college freshman that appeared to have it all. She was a University of Pennsylvania track athlete, a great student and she had a ton of friends and family that loved her dearly. According to her Instagram feed, her life looked perfect. That’s why Maddy’s death by suicide shocked everyone around her. Kate dives into Maddy’s story and sheds a different light on mental health. We talk through the role social media may have played along with other factors. Kate helps us understand the struggle of young people suffering from mental illness today.
- Kate talks about a Why Not Now? moment that instilled fear and how she’s grateful for that feeling.
- Kate shares her experience in writing the book, What Made Maddy Run.
- After a great deal of research, Kate talks about the fact that there isn’t one solo factor that caused Maddy’s situation.
- Kate and I talk about the role social media plays in the overall mental health of our society.
- What keeps Kate up at night?
- Pirates or Ninjas? Who’s tougher according to Kate?
- What advice would Kate tell her younger self?
Follow Kate Fagan on Instagram, Twitter and her own podcast, Free Cookies.
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