June 24, 2015

Digital Royalty News: Hanging up the Crown

Where passion, purpose and skill collide, happiness resides. This intersection is constantly evolving and changing as we take our journey through life. It’s up to us to acknowledge when there is a…

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March 16, 2014

Where passion, purpose & skill collide

What if you took a complete right turn from what you’re doing now in effort to follow what you REALLY want? Where passion, purpose and skill collide, happiness resides. Awhile…

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March 2, 2014

Vision vs. Sight

During a recent formal (wink) board meeting, I encountered a moment I’ll never forget. Each month, I meet with my Board of Directors. We’ve…

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August 5, 2013

My First 365 Days in Las Vegas

I’ve sat down to write this post a few times. For someone who’s written a 55k+ word book, you’d think I’d be able to easily write a simple blog post…

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June 30, 2013

Party With A Purpose

Today’s the big day! Age is just a percentage of awesomeness, right? I guess that means I’m graduating from 33% to 34% awesome. If you feel like I’ve been spamming you over…

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May 19, 2013

Pays To Be Late

Imagine this. The next time you’re late to meet someone, you owe them money. But here’s the catch, the money doesn’t go in their pocket. The money goes to their…

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