August 20, 2014

Tales of an Entrepreneur

My company, Digital Royalty, just turned five! In social years, which is like dog years, that’s more like 35 years old. As I approach my 5th anniversary as the company’s…

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August 19, 2014

Uncovered: Body Image Body image. A topic I’ve never talked or wrote about yet it’s been something I’ve struggled with every single day as long as I can remember. I remember learning…

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March 16, 2014

Where passion, purpose & skill collide

What if you took a complete right turn from what you’re doing now in effort to follow what you REALLY want? Where passion, purpose and skill collide, happiness resides. Awhile…

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January 29, 2014

TEDx Talk: The Renegade Factor

So much focus is applied to gender inequality. Instead, I suggest we focus on the common denominators among certain women that allow them to experience hockey stick growth in…

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June 30, 2013

Party With A Purpose

Today’s the big day! Age is just a percentage of awesomeness, right? I guess that means I’m graduating from 33% to 34% awesome. If you feel like I’ve been spamming you over…

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May 19, 2013

Pays To Be Late

Imagine this. The next time you’re late to meet someone, you owe them money. But here’s the catch, the money doesn’t go in their pocket. The money goes to their…

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May 3, 2013

Sleep Your Way to the Top

When I was younger, my father would say to me, “Amy Jo, you can’t bank sleep.” Evidentially, I thought I could deposit and withdraw hours into my mystical sleep account…

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May 2, 2013

Crash and Learn: Invites Are For Losers

When was the last time you crashed something? No, not a car. When was the last time you showed up unannounced and uninvited to an event, party, concert or wedding?…

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May 1, 2013

Lean In and Listen Louder

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” ~ Alice Walker Until not too long ago, I ignored the women in business…

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April 30, 2013

Eight Year Old Ethiopian Entrepreneur

As a child, I wanted to be an astronaut flower-delivery gymnast. At no point did I think about becoming an entrepreneur. In Africa last week, I encountered a true entrepreneur…

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April 29, 2013

The Do.

          Imagine on your deathbed you were able to see two films of your life: One showed highlights of what you actually achieved. And then the…

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April 28, 2013

Learning What Enough Looks Like

I just returned from a trip to Ethiopia with charity: water and Soma. As I sit down to recap my experience I realize I’m still processing my journey in Africa….

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